Thursday, 5 August 2010

Unsane + Keelhaul

This post is in honor of this awesome show that I'm going to tomorrow (Unsane playing all of Scattered, Smothered & Covered goddamn!).

The first part of the post is Unsane's classic '95 album Scattered, Smothered & Covered. For those of you who don't know, Unsane are a noise rock/hardcore band formed in '88 and based in New York City.

The next part of this post is Keelhaul's Subject to Change Without Notice. Again, for those of you who don't know, Keelhaul are a mix of sludge and progressive (I want to say math rock but I haven't listened to much of it to know what it is) with some hardcore/post-hardcore thrown in for good measure.

p.s. Also playing at the show are Disappearer and Pigs. Haven't listened to much of Disappearer's work so I can't tell you if they're good or not.

p.p.s. if you're in the NYC area and you dig any of these bands (or if you just got into them because of this post lol), do show up at Santos Party House tomorrow for some good times!

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